iCloud Archives - Pushakar Gaikwad https://pushakar.com/tag/icloud/ Software Developer, Blogger, Tech enthusiast Sat, 16 Jul 2022 06:44:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 208136840 The case for switching or staying in the Apple Ecosystem https://pushakar.com/2018/10/02/the-case-for-switching-or-continue-staying-in-the-apple-ecosystem/ https://pushakar.com/2018/10/02/the-case-for-switching-or-continue-staying-in-the-apple-ecosystem/#respond Tue, 02 Oct 2018 06:10:30 +0000 https://pushakar.wordpress.com/?p=77 So recently WhatsApp cofounders left Facebook. Reasons not specified, but rumours are over ideological differences, the way Facebook handles privacy, reads/sells your data and plans to display ads inside WhatsApp. In short, ads are coming to WhatsApp, now what ? Where can you go. Both of the most popular messaging apps WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger … Continue reading The case for switching or staying in the Apple Ecosystem

The post The case for switching or staying in the Apple Ecosystem appeared first on Pushakar Gaikwad.

So recently WhatsApp cofounders left Facebook. Reasons not specified, but rumours are over ideological differences, the way Facebook handles privacy, reads/sells your data and plans to display ads inside WhatsApp. In short, ads are coming to WhatsApp, now what ? Where can you go. Both of the most popular messaging apps WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger … Continue reading The case for switching or staying in the Apple Ecosystem

The post The case for switching or staying in the Apple Ecosystem appeared first on Pushakar Gaikwad.

https://pushakar.com/2018/10/02/the-case-for-switching-or-continue-staying-in-the-apple-ecosystem/feed/ 0 77