⚠️Caution before upgrading your Reminders on iOS 13

🚨 After upgrading your reminders on iOS 13 that are synced to iCloud they will stop showing up on other devices Here is a screenshot of errors I get when opening Reminders app on my MacBook running macOS High Sierra According to an official statement by Apple: "Upgraded reminders aren't compatible with earlier versions of … Continue reading ⚠️Caution before upgrading your Reminders on iOS 13

Wrong Blur clipping around icons on iOS 13.1.1 Homescreen

In above example, I haptic touched/long-pressed iMovie icon on home screen and it revealed its options. It might seem perfectly fine. But on close inspection, the eagle eyed reader will notice there is something off. Just look at the corners of iMovie icon, you can clearly see the focus clipping off by a tremendous amount. … Continue reading Wrong Blur clipping around icons on iOS 13.1.1 Homescreen